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Available Programs

Voices of Celtic Wisdom - 4-month Online Program to Explore Ancestral Wisdom

Voices of Celtic Wisdom - Season 1

Each course bundle w/ text that says something like…includes: 10, 1.5 hour long recordings, Q&A, etc

Ancestral Songs and Stories of Scotland - Online Course Weaving Remembrance

Ancestral Songs & Stories of Scotland - Seasons 1 & 2

Each course bundle w/ text that says something like…includes: 10, 1.5 hour long recordings, Q&A, etc

Songs of Mother Europe Lullaby Version

Each course bundle w/ text that says something like…includes: 10, 1.5 hour long recordings, Q&A, etc

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To view classes from our first 5 seasons of Songs of Mother Europe, CLICK HERE to Enter the Complete Course Library

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