Celtic & Earth Wisdom around the Fire: Part 2!
A gathering of songs & stories to transition us into the dark time of year
Monday, November 20th at 7pm GMT (11am PT / 2pm ET )
90 minutes
During this liminal time in the wheel of the year we are being beckoned to connect more deeply with our inner worlds and the ancestral realms.
Join us for this FREE gathering around the virtual fire, where we have gathered a lively bunch of teachers sharing songs, stories and poems from the lands of Ireland, Scotland, & England.
May this bring you nourishment and inspiration to carry with you into your Winter dreaming.
Hosted by: Hanna Leigh
Featuring Guest Teachers:
Dougie Mackay
Terri Conroy
Simon de Voil
Mary McLaughlin
Dorrie Joy
Your Host: Hanna Leigh
Greetings! My name is Hanna Leigh, (IG: @hannaleighsong) originally from California (Chumash territory). I am a Singer-Songwriter, Voice Doula, Weaver, and Devotee of this precious, living Earth. My people migrated to the U.S. several generations ago from England, Scotland, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands.
For the past several years I have been on an inspired journey to reclaim ancestral wisdom and connect with the indigenous spirit of the “Great Sacred Motherland of Europe” – a term I first heard from activist Lyla June.
This longing for reconnection was the impetus to create a well-loved program called “Songs of Mother Europe”, which features song carriers from all over Europe who still carry the old songs. In the past year we have had over 700 participants in the course, which speaks to me of a collective impulse to remember and preserve ancestral wisdom.
Dougie Mackay
Dougie is a native Highland storyteller with a passion for tracking key aspects of ancestral cultures through mythology, lore and story. A professional storyteller for over 12 years, he has been mentored by some of Scotland’s finest seanachies, seeking modern applications for these timeless tales.
Terri Conroy
Terri Conroy is the owner of the Hawthorn Academy of Healing Herbs in Connemara, in the west of Ireland. She teaches classes, online and in her garden “Danu’s Irish Herb Garden” about the benefits and uses of herbal medicine. She also runs the Wise Woman Way training. All of Terri’s work is to encourage women to reconnect with the Divine Feminine within and to become self-empowered and self-reliant.
Simon De Voil
Reverend Simon Ruth de Voil is an ordained interfaith/interspiritual minister, trained to be a sacred presence outside the conventions of traditional religion. As a sacred musician, spiritual mentor and worship leader he incorporates chant, ritual, storytelling and mindful practice to create a space for profound connection and sacred witness.
Although influenced by many traditions, Simon's spiritual path and teaching is deeply rooted in Celtic Christianity, the wisdom of the earth, and in the Scottish land where he's spent most of his life.
Mary McLaughlin
Mary Mclaughlin is a singer/songwriter/teacher who is steeped in the Ulster Gaelic song tradition of her native Ireland where she was born and raised. Mary records, performs, and teaches workshops in Irish singing, technique, and Gaelic song and culture. She has toured extensively throughout the UK, Ireland, and North America, teaching and performing at Celtic/Irish camps. She has recorded five CDs to international acclaim, written two songbooks, and completed a Ph.D. in Irish Otherworld Song. Her particular expertise is in the Keen, Gaelic Christmas songs, and Fairy Song.
Dorrie Joy
Dorrie Joy is an artist, ceremonial leader & tradition craftswoman who holds workshops as sacred spaces that centre creativity as an intentional practice of soul mending & belonging.
May this bring you nourishment and inspiration to carry with you into your Winter dreaming.
Bring a candle, and join us live for this free virtual gathering.
This free event is a kick-off for our upcoming 4-month course “Voices of Celtic Wisdom”, featuring 20+ amazing guest teachers of song, story, poetry and craft of the Celtic Isles.
Hosted by Hanna Leigh
“Our songs travel the earth.
We sing to one another.
Not a single note is ever lost and no song is original.
They all come from the same place and go back to a time when only the stones howled.”
Louise Erdrich